Operation HOPE: Summer 2021

Operation HOPE Summer 2021(Health, Outreach, Partnership, Encouragement)?

With the success of Operation HOPE Winter 2020, we wanted to increase our impact on the community. Through our conversations, we identified that students who were part of the Summer Lunch program were disproportionally affected by schools closures. 

To support the school kids, we replaced the items of Operation HOPE, such that the items now reflect the demographics that we were serving. 

We replaced hand sanitizers with STEM (Science Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) kits. Masks were replaced by Band-aids. Woolen items were replaced with Pencils and Erasers.

One of the newfound partners that helped us a lot was makerforce.org by 3D printing over 150 STEM kits. It was the best combination of technology and social good, especially with the active participation of over 10 volunteers! 

Add Image of STEM Kits.

We ran the project from July 2021 to August 2021 distributing 5917 bags across 15 different school districts and organizations around the Portland Metro region!

Add a Rolling count – 5917 Bags

Add a Rolling count – 15 Public School Districts and Organizations

Add a Rolling count – 17 Donating organizations. 

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