Asha Hope Amanaki and Transition Projects Partnership

Helping those in need via nonprofit partnerships

The other day I had the pleasure of interviewing Emily and discussing her role among the volunteers. We also talked about Operation Hope Summer. She provided insight into the functions of volunteer activities and the ways in which it helps those in need in Portland.

I asked Emily for a general overview of her role and the things that she and the volunteers do. Emily informed me that the shelter she operates several programs. She explained that there are a lot of volunteer support, and their roles are being developed.

Emily oversees volunteers and donations. They operate eight shelters in total and help the unsheltered access basic services. There’s a street outreach team that helps folks who may be reluctant to access these resources. They provide services and aid in starting conversations with the unsheltered. This opens the door for the volunteers to attempt getting the homeless to accept the services that the shelters provide.

I also asked Emily what she would advise future volunteers who wanted to partake in this program. Emily state that volunteers interested in joining the program are encouraged to be as compassionate and neighborly as possible. By maintaining a warm and welcoming disposition it allows folks on the streets to feel more at ease in accepting the services.

According to Emily, operation HOPE has made hundreds of care kits. These kits are a great conversation starter for the unsheltered. Volunteers learn which items are most needed and include them within those kits. Sometimes they also include little notes or candy to make the homeless smile. Ashwin has also coordinated meals and aided in cupcake baking with the volunteers. All of these activities and resources help with assisting the homeless population in Portland.

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