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Ammar is a Software Developer with Asha Hope Amanaki and has been developing a tool that helps us keep a track of all the volunteers we have interacted with or have volunteered with us. Ammar came on board through a marvelous program by Washington Chamber of Commerce. Learn more about it in the short interview below
I am a 11th grader at Westview High School in Beaverton, Oregon. I enjoy playing soccer reading and sleeping
Tell us a little more about the Hillsboro Works Internship?
Hillboro Chamber of Commerce program lets nonprofits have paid interns who are high school students between 16-24. The nonprofits host the students and also provide them with a mentor who can meet with the students on regular basis to help them grow in their role at the nonprofit.
I have worked as an intern for Asha Hope Amanaki during summer and currently volunteer for them to develop and internal database system for keeping track of volunteers that have either interacted with or volunteered with Asha Hope Amanaki.
For students interested in participating with us, what would you say, you learnt from this opportunity?
I learned a lot from this opportunity with Asha Hope Amanaki, from a new language in google apps script, to how to solve coding problems by effectively planning and how to utilize resources on the internet. Additionally, I understood how to effectively communicate with my mentors and stay accountable for my work even if I were busy.
Since this was a remote opportunity, what would you say were the biggest advantages and disadvantages?
The biggest advantage for me was being able to work around my schedule, which allowed me to effectively plan and take part in lots of different activities without having to compromise.
The biggest disadvantage was that being remote made it easy to get distracted and off-task at times. Additionally, it made it difficult to interact with my mentors as much as I would have liked.
I have had a great time working with Asha Hope Amanaki and have learned a lot from the incredible mentors they have. it is very rewarding to know the incredible charity work that is going on and to have a small part in all of the great work that is taking place.
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